Praying Against Illnesses | NODE |Prayer Session

Night of Divine Encounter

Considering the English dictionary, Node is a point at which lines or pathways intersect or branch; a central or connecting point. In BKCC, NODE means Night of Divine Encounter. It is a point of interaction between the mortal and the immortal. A time when the natural encounters the Supernatural. A time when Heaven will kiss the earth and there will be a supernatural shift in the lives of many. It is an opportunity to wrestle with God in prayers until we receive a divine blessing that will change our situations forever.

Stream live on our website from Monday 26th June to 1st July from 7 pm – 8 pm MST (Prayer Session) and between 7 pm -10 pm MST on Friday, July 2nd for our Night of Divine Encounter via this link – Watch Live or through the Church’s Facebook or YouTube Page
