Praying For Revival |NODE| Prayer Session

Praying For Revival: We need a great revival in our land

Today, we will praying for revival in our life and in our land. For you to make an indelible impact in your world, you need a personal revival. The truth is that you can not give what you don’t have. Jesus told the believers to wait in the upper room until they were baptized with the power of the Holy Spirit. It was that personal revival that gave birth to a national revival. The Apostles started doing outstanding miracles and there was massive conversion of souls after they had been personally revived in the upper room.

Jesus Christ also waited for forty days and forty nights in fasting and prayer. After the encounter in the wilderness, He went about healing all those who have diseases and doing great signs and wonders. The truth is that a blind can not lead the blind just like Jesus said in the scripture. A blind can only lead others into the ditch. Until you are personally revived, you can not set the world ablaze for Jesus Christ.

Why praying for revival?

Moses could not deliver the Israelites by his strength. He attempted to do so when he was forty years old at the end of the day he ran away. When he had an encounter with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob he was revived and was able to deliver the people. He was able to do the same assignment he ran away from simply because he saw the fire of God in the burning bush. Until you are revived you can not do great and mighty exploits for God. You can imagine what God later did through Moses as a result of that personal encounter.

As we raise our voices in prayer to God today, I pray that God will set us on fire and we will not recover from this personal revival throughout our lifetime in Jesus’ name.

Check here for the prayer points

Stream live on our website from Monday 2nd August to 5th August from 7 pm – 8 pm MST (Prayer Session) and between 7 pm -10 pm MST on Friday, August 6th for our Night of Divine Encounter via this link – Watch Live or through the Church’s Facebook or YouTube Page.
